Body Whitening Perfect Glutathione Lotion -500ml
Body Whitening Perfect Glutathione Lotion -500ml.
How Many Benefits For Using This Product:
- Helping the skin smooth, soft, and moist, adjust the skin to be white and clear.
- Glutathione, collagen, and vitamin B3, help to reduce the problem of dry skin and dark spots to make it smooth.
- Add ingredients from honey to help the skin.
- Soft to the touch all day long.
- Helps to make the skin clear.
- Reduce allergic reactions to rashes scars fade away.
- Smooth skin – skin looks clearer & whiter
- Compact and radiant – honey fragrance.
- Gentle on the skin – adjust the skin tone to be consistent.
How to Use This Product:
- Apply 4k plus 5x whitening lotion to clean skin and massage for 2-3 minutes.