Aichun Beauty Professional OEM Whitening Cream

2.500 KD



Aichun Beauty Professional OEM Whitening Cream Face & Body Banana Magic Whitening Cream For All Skin

The Whitening Cream Face & Body Banana Magic Whitening Cream is the perfect solution for those who want to achieve a brighter and more even skin tone. This cream is specially formulated with natural ingredients, including banana extract and vitamin C, which work together to nourish and brighten the skin. The formula helps to reduce the appearance of dark spots, blemishes, and other skin imperfections, leaving the skin looking brighter, smoother, and more radiant. The cream is suitable for all skin types and can be used on both the face and body. The cream is easy to apply and is quickly absorbed by the skin, without leaving any greasy residue. With regular use, the Whitening Cream Face & Body Banana Magic Whitening Cream can help to improve the overall texture and tone of your skin, giving you a more youthful and radiant appearance. 75ML



Aichun Beauty